doled out

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  1. The Gregorys 'love affair with apple ( AAPL) flouts every bit of investment advice doled out by magazines like this one and by mainstream investment strategists.
  2. The money could be handed over to the various euro zone governments which would then be doled out to the banks.
  3. Traditionally, data has skulked about, protected and doled out carefully by its handlers, or has hidden from view, wearing dark sunglasses, mingling among the commoners of the Web.
  4. Processor capacity is doled out in slices, application images are constantly shuffled in and out of real memory, and device access is driven by demand and policed by access rights.
  5. Punishment doled out by US regulators to foreign banks has become a regular source of tension with other regulators.
  6. At the beginning of such a game, points are doled out to each participant.
  7. Love is freely given, not doled out on demand.
  8. The food was doled out to the poor.
  9. How did this happen on the heels of a2011 legislative session that doled out enormous budget cuts to everything from education to the Texas film incentive fund?
  10. Keep it up-you're building a fine reputation as an innovator, and when promotions are doled out in August, you'll be on the short list of candidates.
  11. What is different this time is the way the money is being doled out.
  12. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has already doled out$ 24 million to various brain-machine research efforts across the United States, the Duke group among them.
  13. Jackson of the Lakers has doled out carefully selected books to his players before their longest road trip, which range from works by Friedrich Nietzsche to'2666'by Chilean writer Roberto Bolano.
  14. The city government is working hard to recruit talented professionals trained overseas and has even doled out tax breaks to lure some senior figures.
  15. In the us, the training services are sometimes paid out of the annual foreign aid bill, doled out to friendly or promising countries that may have unstable governments or militaries, such as Nigeria and colombia.
  16. Between November 2008 and November 2009, Wall Street doled out$ 42m to lawmakers, mostly to members of the House and Senate banking committees and House and Senate leaders.
  17. Sisco briskly doled out the United States positions on the key issues.
  18. This would ensure that penalties would be doled out appropriately and that taxpayers would not have to foot the entire bill.
  19. They have doled out loans to large state-owned enterprises, which are seen as posing negligible default risk, and all but cut off smaller private companies.
  20. Since the food supply is running low, the ship's captain doled out the rations.
  21. At present, the petrodollars are converted into local money at a fixed rate and doled out as governments see fit.
  22. His uncle took charge of the money and doled out a few dollars to him once in a while.
  23. It does create a potential conflict of interest because so much regulation is doled out by administrators who could be looking out for their former employees and co-workers, he says.
  24. The last of the water was doled out to their thirsty crew.
  25. The united states systems work by means of a series of closely tabulated favours and obligations carefully doled out where they will do the most good.
  26. This comes on top of a$ 130 billion package doled out to Russian banks in the form of loans, tax cuts and delayed tax payments.
  27. The company is accused of setting up a speakers bureau that doled out thinly veiled kickbacks in the form of cash payments to influential or high-prescribing doctors for speaking about its products.
  28. Last month, BAE Systems, the British defence group, paid$ 400m in fines to the DoJ after prosecutors alleged in court documents that it doled out millions of dollars in improper payments to foreign government officials.
  29. Gilbert should be thanking him too& the salary he doled out to James was a pittance compared to the victories and money that rolled in during his Cleveland reign.
  30. Even coffee mugs, pens and other trinkets ( 7) doled out ( 8) by drug companies can't be accepted anymore.